You will first need to connect to the NYU VPN before connecting to xdrive if off campus. 

NYU VPN also requires MFA (Multi factor authentication). Instructions below:
VPN on Mac:
VPN on PC:

On a Windows PC:

On the task bar, click the File Explorer icon.

Click This PC in the left column. 

Choose Map Network Drive:

On Windows 11, click the 3 dots to see more options and click on Map Network Drive

Specify \\\cns as the server path and check off reconnect and connect using different credentials

Server credentials

username: ad\yournetid

password: yournetidpassword


On a Mac

In finder choose Go > Connect to Server    ⌘K

input smb:// as the server path:

Server credentials

username: ad\yournetid

password: yournetidpassword


On a Web Browser:

Navigate to within your browser. You will see a https security warning. Hit advanced, disregard notice and proceed to website. The connection is indeed encrypted, chrome just cant verify the server certificate.

Server credentials (use your NYU NetID login)

Username: yournetid

Password: yournetidpassword
