NYU offers traditional cPanel web hosting at hosting.nyu.edu

HTML, PHP and Txt documents on hosting.nyu.edu may be edited using Microsoft Visual Studio Code and CyberDuck FTP. Download and install both programs on your desired operating system.

There are a few settings that need to be tweaked in CyberDuck to allow for easy login and editing. 

First, the default .duck bookmark files downloaded to create easy access bookmark links in CyberDuck to a users hosting account default to the wrong protocol. 

Change FTP :


Also, be sure to change the default text editor in CyberDuck to Visual Studio code. 

To do so, open CyberDuck, 

On MacOS go to Cyberduck > Settings

On Windows, go to Edit > Preferences

Then click the Editor tab:

On Mac:

On Windows:

Choose Visual Studio Code:

On MacOS:

On Windows:

Then click back on the General Tab and close out of the settings/preferences to save changes. 

The default editor will now be set to Visual Studio Code and when highlight a file to be edited, then click the Edit button, the selected php, html, or other such txt file will  directly open in Visual Studio Code from Cyberduck. Clicking Save in Visual Studio Code will then automatically FTP the file back to the server. 

NOTE: Some servers timeout after a short duration so be sure to save frequently and check the files in the browser.

NOTE 2: It is also advisable to DUPLICATE any file prior to editing it. To do so, right click on the desired file and select duplicate in Cyberduck. This will copy the file exactly and append a timestamp to the name. If you ever damage the original file, you can delete it and then restore from that time stamped copy. 

NOTE 3: Live web files are usually stored in the public_html folder on the hosting site: