Connecting to NAS File Server- LINGUISTICS (Alec Marantz & Liina Pylkkanen) /

Total storage capacity as of Feb 2021 (47 TB)




Remotely from outside NYU campus


You need to run NYU VPN first before connecting to the lab’s file server from off campus. NYU VPN also requires MFA(Multi factor authentication). Instructions below


VPN on mac:

VPN on pc:


On a Windows PC:


Choose Map Network Drive

Specify \\\server as the server path and check off reconnect and connect using different credentials. Choose any available drive letter. 

Server credentials

username: yourNYUnetid

password: yournetidpassword


***If encountering login issues you may need to append ad\  in front of your netid 

username: ad\yourNYUnetid

password: yournetidpassword


On a Mac


In finder press Command OR in Finder>  choose GO > Connect to Server>


input smb:// as the server path


***DO NOT USE AFP (apple file sharing protocol) to connect. AFP is deprecated and no longer functions  correctly. AFP is also turned off server side to prevent issues. Only SMB should be used when connecting from macOS.

You can click the + to bookmark the server path & volume mount point. 

Server credentials

username: yournetid

password: yournetidpassword

***If encountering login issues you may need to append ad\  in front of your netid 

username: ad\yourNYUnetid

password: yournetidpassword


Web Browser:

Navigate to your browser (preferably google chrome). You will see a https security warning. Hit advanced, disregard notice and proceed to website. The connection is indeed encrypted, chrome just can't verify the self signed server certificate.






Server credentials

username: yournetid

password: yournetidpassword