Will I have access to my @nyu.edu e-mail after leaving the university?

- Alumni of the university retain access to their Google Apps account (including "Gmail" and "Drive") in perpetuity, provided they utilize their account at least once every six months. 

- Non-student employees (staff, post-docs, e.g.) lose access to their Google Apps account post departure, per the following schedule: 

  • Students: notified approximately one semester after becoming ineligible
  • Full-time faculty: notified approximately one month after appointment ends
  • Part-time faculty: notified approximately ten months after appointment ends
  • Code 103/113 researchers: notified approximately three months after appointment ends
  • Affiliates and staff: notified immediately when appointment ends
  • Employees terminated for cause: may not receive a grace period before account access is terminated

+ a two (2) week grace period.

I'm leaving the university and want to retain a copy of my @nyu.edu calendars/files/emails, etc. How can I do that?

- Prior to your departure date, it is recommended that you create an archive of your Google Apps content by doing an "MBOX checkout". Instructions for doing so, as well as options for exporting the archive, are described here

Do I retain access to my NYU-sponsored Qualtrics account when I leave the university?  

- Not directly. However, you, or a designated third-party (lab, P.I., e.g.), may retain access to the data in your NYU-sponsored Qualtrics account by transferring this data to a valid Qualtrics account (e.g. personal, institutional). To do so, you must request this transfer prior to your departure date by following the procedure detailed here.

What other services do I lose access to after leaving the university? 

- Campus WiFi

- High-performance computing cluster

- Login privileges to workstations, servers, etc. 

- Offsite access to workstations, servers. etc. 

- Physical access to the building

- University-sponsored software (Adobe Creative Cloud, MATLAB, Office 365)

What happens to data on my workstation after I leave the university? 


- Generally, workstations are wiped of their data before they are re-provisioned.

Can I have a copy of data on my workstation? 


- You can backup data to a non-NYU Google Apps account via Google Backup & Sync by following these instructions, or backup your data to an external drive. 


How do I unsubscribe from a Google Group that I joined while at the university? 

- Follow these instructions.

Can I access my lab's: compute server/file storage/workstation after leaving the university? 

- Not without faculty sponsorship. 

I'll collaborate with a lab after my official separation date from the university and need continued access to computing resources. What should I do?  

- Have your sponsoring faculty member follow the steps outline in this article. Once approved, you'll have a one (1) year extension on access to the university's computing resources. 

What happens to data stored on the HPC after leaving the university? 

- See the HPC's data retention policy.