Create a Zoom Meeting Room
Modified on: Thu, 8 Sep, 2022 at 3:21 PM
Create a Zoom Meeting Room Instructions
- Open Google Chrome
- Navigate to and click Login To Zoom.

- Login using your NYU NetID + NYU Password

- Click the Meetings tab link in the left hand column.

- Click the Schedule a New Meeting

- On the Schedule a meeting dialogue, enter the Name of the meeting in the Topic field,
IE: Intro to Neuro Science 101 - 03/09/2020 1pm
- If you would like to enter a detailed description, you may do so in the Description field

- Enter the Date and time of the meeting. Be sure to add additional Duration in case the meeting runs long. If this will be a recurring meeting, you may check the recurring meeting box and fill out as needed.

- Your event may or may not require registration, most will not. You may ignore this line.

- Each meeting room created has a distinct meeting ID number. Your NYU account also has a personal meeting room number associated with it. If you will be hosting multiple discrete meetings, it is recommended using Generate Automatically so that each meeting has a unique ID number.

- If you will be conducting a meeting that will include discussion of private information, you may check the box Require a meeting password to prevent random people from joining the meeting.
Note: It is advisable to use the Security setting "Require authentication to join". This helps prevent Zoom Bombing from random Internet Trolls.
If your meeting will only have NYU affiliated attendees who have a email address it is strongly recommended to enable"Require authentication to join" with the "NYU ONLY" option selected.

If you are inviting non-NYU participants, and if you are requiring authentication, be sure to select the "Require authentication to join" and the "Sign in to Zoom" option. This means that users will have had to have either an Zoom account or have created a Zoom account prior to the start of the meeting in order to attend.

- Leave the Video OFF as default unless you want the video of yourself, the host, or participants to be enabled by default.

- In order to enable participants to dial in via phone or via computer, I would suggest leaving the Audio: "Telephone and Computer Audio" enabled. If you know that all attendees will be using a computer, you may want to select Computer Audio only to prevent dial in access.

- It is advisable to check the box Mute participants upon entry in order to prevent excess noise from participant microphones during the conference, especially if you are holding larger meetings consisting of more than 3 participants.
Users can enable/disable their own mics as needed.

- If you want to add other NYU members, such as, IT admins, lab admins or program admins as hosts, you may put their NYU emails into the Alternative Hosts Field.

- Take the time to review all your settings above and then click save.

- Sharing the Zoom Meeting Connection Information:
Once the meeting room is saved, be sure to send the meeting connection information to all of the participants. 
Once you click the Copy the invitation button on the actual Meeting page a popup window will appear.

- Click the Blue Copy Meeting Invitation at the bottom of this popup. The entire list of dial in and computer links will be copied into the computers memory which you can paste into an email

- Open your NYU email by navigating to Create a new email to send to all of your students and participants. Paste the previous steps contents into the body of the message.

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